One year ago this week my ADHD coaching business officially began. It started as a part time job I did after school on nights and weekends, but a year later it's grown into so much more! I went from working in the corner of my attic to now being able to help people full-time from my own office!

I have made partnerships on the corporate level to train and educate others about ADHD. I have started groups, webinars, and will soon be adding self-paced classes too. I have one of the top ADHD podcasts on Apple as well as it being available on Spotify and other other popular podcasting platforms. I also work with clients worldwide to help them learn about their ADHD and how to fit into a world that ins't designed for brains like ours. The best part though? I did this all by myself! I had love and support along the way of course, but the work and training that went into building this was all me. I spent many hours building programs, worksheets, and reading and researching all things ADHD!

As an ADHD business owner I needed to do things differently to get myself here. I had to find systems that worked for my brain. For example, the original design of my first desk area was set up to make it easier for me to work in that space for prolonged periods of time. I had everything I needed in arms reach, and my office now is deigned in a similar style, because this works for my brain. I also need to have a lot of decorative stuff because my brain likes looking at those items around me to help me listen better to what is happening on my screen.
A lot of the life coaching advice out there isn't geared towards people like me, but I adapted that too and kept moving forward. I share all of this to tell you that ADHD doesn't mean you can't be successful and have a life you're proud of. Years ago that wasn't where I was, but years ago I wasn't adapting things to how my brain works. Heck I didn't even know I had ADHD or ASD so how could I adapt? I was trying to fit a square into a circle and that was never going to work without cutting parts of the circle away to make room. I refuse to sacrifice who I am anymore, and instead of being ashamed of my struggles I am proud of how hard I fought to overcome them. Have faith in yourself friends ❤️ You can't hate yourself into changing, it you could it would have worked by now.

Where I'm at now :) Yes I'm leaving up the Christmas tree, it makes me happy!

My office is still designed with my brain in mind, I keep everything I can at arms reach, from pens, to markers, to binders of resources. I still have the things that make me happy scattered around my desk and walls too! Make your space FUNCTIONAL for YOU! It doesn't matter what others think, as long as it works!